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Egg Turning Jig Tutorial


Egg Jig Tutorial

I was reviewing one of my favorite sites for plans when I stumbled across wooden EGGS. I was always told that if you can turn an egg, you can pretty much turn anything. While I do not think the statement is true, turning an egg is a great intro into turning, jig making, and utilizing all of your tools and chucks.

The first step in Egg creation is JIG making. A person named Alex Elias wrote a piece (which can be found on woodturningonline.com) on how to turn an egg which includes a homemade jig out of cheap PVC parts from Home Depot. The only reason why I am creating this tutorial is because most of the JIG information is text based, and I am more of a picture by picture kind of person.  I also modified my procedure and EGG template so all of the information was on (1) piece instead of (2).


1-1/4 inch PVC Coupling

1-14’’ PVC Reducer Bushing

PVC Primer & Glue

(2) Hose Clamps






Hose Clamp

1 – I put the reducer in my chuck and turned the end so the entire piece was round. The only thing you need to turn is the octagonal end.


2 – Glue your now completely round coupling to the reducer with PVC primer/glue. Do not shove it all the way – only half or 3/4


3 – Put the glued up piece in your chuck, and true it up to eliminate any wobble. You should put a mark at the end of your PVC JIG – Alex put a 1 near the chuck 1 so it can be aligned later. You want this piece to lay in the chuck the exact same way every time. Now cut two groves for your hose clamps. This will eliminate movement when tightening.


4 – Draw a line where the drill bit can enter your piece, missing the glued in reducer. Cut a strip of paper to the exact diameter of your coupling and mark in eighths.  Wrap the paper around the coupling and now put 8 dashes evenly spaced. This is where you will be drilling.


5 –Drill your 8 holes, and then make cuts from the center of hole to the end of the coupling. Put your clamps on and tighten enough so they do not fall off


6– I took the EGG diagram from Alex Elias, cut out the sections with an exacto knife and methodically placed them on my scrap wood. I cut out the pieces with a scroll saw, and labeled them with a marker. I also put important information and crucial measurements on the back for reference. Spray lacquer over these marking should seal it up.

IMG_0448 IMG_0449 IMG_0450 IMG_0468

Next up – How to turn an EGG

3 thoughts on “Egg Turning Jig Tutorial

  1. Hi Chris. This is Alex Elias. I just stumble over your tutorial. I happen to be the one who wrote the tutorial that you reference up above.
    Thanks for the mention. it has been a long time since I wrote it.
    I should get my jig, dust it off and turn some more eggs.
    Kind regards. I enjoyed your post.
    Alex Elias

    • Hey Alex. You should definitely dust of the lathe and turn something.

      Thank you for helping me out with my egg turning. I am glad you took the time to share. Did you happen to make other tutorials?

  2. No, I haven’t done any other tutorials. I started getting allergies to the dust I was creating with the pens and other odds and ends y was turning.
    I shifted my attention back to photography and turn every now and then. I still have a bit over 100 kits from craft supply plus a nice pile of wood and acrylics.
    Provable you have been or belong to penturners.org. If you haven’t been there there are a bunch of nice tutorials. That is where mine was originally posted and got spread from.
    Best regards and happy 2013. If I make any more eggs I’ll send you a picture 🙂

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